The home of Dakota Doesn't Exist

where insanity will breed the perfect storm

Dakota Doesn't Exist (previously known as Bozani Cat Films) is an independent musical project dreamt up, written and recorded by Dakota herself, with the exception of Subtraction (How To Sink), which features lyrics written by an individual named Minus.

Started in Febuary of 2023 with the release of Mock Anthem (Denial is a Drug), Bozani Cat Films naturally gained no following due to a lack of distribution or any sort of promotion. The intentions of the project were to create psychedelic music with little regard for genre or quality, and was an attempt to illustrate a soul with sonic pictures.

BCF released three singles before finally finding a direction with the release of Guttercat, Off Instint/Lost. The harsh video game sounds and mix of violently edgy and confessional lyrics was deemed by Dakota to be a masterpiece of self expression and realization. It should be noted that this was her very first attempt at electronic music outside of some casual Online Sequencer work (where most of the base sounds for Guttercat come from) and was meant to only be a brief break from guitar.

However, that clearly ended up being the oppisite of the truth. BCF became a exclusivley electronic project, shifting into a cleaner but still very distinct sound (also known as bandlab defaults with poorly made custom fx chains and bad EQ mixed with random samples) that focused on a mixture of subconcious dread and unsettling noise to express the cognitive dissonace of self destructive abandon and the desire to live. At the time of creating the songs, however, the only theme was one of letting the subconcious express itself without any sort of filter. Several journals and sketchbooks were filled in the process.